
'Serenity' Aims to Misbehave

This is the one and only time I'll make a post of this nature, but I just got back from watching 'Serenity' at the theatre with my wife and Delish from Matilda's gang and, well, I'm a very satisfied person right now. For those who don't know the back story on the movie, it's the end-product of the ever so short-lived TV series 'FireFly' by Joss Whedon. The series was a true sci-fi\western, complete with spaceships, horses, six-shooters, settlers and train-robberies. But beyond the unique mythos created for the show was something that is rarely seen in either television or the big screen these days...truly three-dimensional characters with superbly crafted dialogue. Fictional characters that, if you weren't careful, you'd start caring about as if it really mattered. And it doesn't matter if you hate sci-fi, this was a series that transcended genres with unequaled skill and grace.

It was canceled on television because the executives at Fox weren't happy with what they had received from Joss Whedon. They wanted your typical formulaic show aimed at teenie-boppers and they got an eclectic, very adult drama where characters cursed in Mandarin Chinese and the stories didn't always have happy endings. In retribution, they never showed the 2-hour pilot for the series until the end of its run, they aired most of the shows out of order (and they were extremely sequentially-dependent) and basically gave the creator and cast complete Hell. To make a growing story short, Universal saw the jewel 'FireFly' was and bought the rights to the show from Fox, the DVD set of the 13 episodes was released and sold like wildfire and the green-light was quickly given for a film.

So, that brings me back to the film. I won't review it as there's a jillion commentaries already out there, but I will again say that's the most satisfied I've been from a movie in quite a while. It was the perfect conclusion to the series and wasn't the typical 'everything ends in roses' crap as with most American flicks. As with the series, the dialogue was fantastic and the increased budget really showed in every single facet. The theatre was almost packed and the audience was really into the story, though I suspect more than a few were FireFly fans as was the case with our clan. Fans of the series will be both elated and bummed upon reaching the end credits, but none of us can honestly say it wasn't true to form for the world of FireFly.

I don't know if I'd recommend it to someone who hasn't seen the series. It's an excellent movie, but I truly can't imagine seeing it through uninitiated eyes. My wife said she thought there were a lot of 'normal' viewers in the audience tonight along with us fans and, if so, that's a good sign since all were very vocally engaged with the story. I admit I did hear a lot of good comments from people in the lobby after the movie and they didn't all sound like familar fans of the show. Though on a side note, I surprised myself by going into the movie hoping it might be the start of a series of movies with the cast but coming out almost decided that it should end here. The closure was just that fulfilling.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the show yet, do yourself a favor and go buy or rent the 'FireFly' TV series (only $30US) and watch those until the movie comes out on DVD later this fall. However, if you're a fellow Browncoat, don't hesitate, just go…you might not leave the theatre with a big smile on your face, but you'll be happy nonetheless... Jage


Only Christians Need Apply

This almost got buried in the past week of all-hurricane news, which is an extremely sad note. On the 23rd of September, an update to the Head Start program was passed in the House of Representatives which now allows preschool employers of the program to hire employees based upon their religious affiliation. Yep, that's right...'based upon their religion'. So much for the EEOC when federal grant monies are involved, eh? Boy, I tell you, it's a good thing all those crazy rumors about our country slowly becoming a theocracy are just the stuff of wacko minds... Jage

Full story here...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Churches and other religious groups are allowed to receive federal money to provide preschool to poor children. Now, the House says, they should be allowed to hire based on religion.

In a broad update of the Head Start program, the House voted Thursday to let preschool providers consider a person's faith when hiring workers — and still be eligible for federal grants. The Republican-led House said the move protects the rights of religious groups, but Democrats blasted it as discriminatory.

Only 23 Democrats supported the House bill, which was approved 231-184. The vote on the amendment allowing the religion-based hiring was even tighter. It passed 220-196, with support from 10 Democrats.

"This is about our children, and denying them exemplary services just because the organization happens to be a religious one is just cruel," said Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C.

Rep. George Miller of California, the ranking Democrat on the Education Committee, said the religion provision marred an otherwise strong bill. "That is wrong," Miller said. "It is a violation of our civil rights laws and it has sunk the chances of making this important bill a truly bipartisan bill."

"Congress should not be in the business of supporting state-sponsored discrimination," said Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla.

The new Head Start logo?

God Storms: A Historical Perspective

As is generally the case in the wake of devastating weather events such as Hurricane Katrina, we’ve all heard from one religious group or the other in regards to the supernatural implications of such a violent storm. Whether it be related to homosexuality, sexual promiscuity or the availability of abortions (the linkage and significance of which I will discuss later in this post), there’s never a shortage of explanations about natural disasters serving as deserved punishment sent forth from their designated higher power. As most sane and rational people, I tend to have an initial volatile mental reaction when these claims start spewing until logic slowly kicks in and reminds me of the reasons behind such flights of fantasy. Actually, after a bit of reflection, I, at times, even feel my disdain turned more towards pity for these people. After all, many of them will go throughout their entire lives without any basic understanding of the commonalities they shared with our primitive ancestors who started the ball rolling on what has become their modern-day faith…

First, let’s travel back a few hundred thousand years and view the world from the perspective of an early Homo sapiens man who we’ll call ‘Grog’ for this purpose. Grog is quickly finding himself at the top of his world. He has conquered the competing Neanderthal species into extinction. There is no wild beast that he and his fellow hunters working in a team cannot eventually ensnare or kill. Life is a struggle for Grog (though not as much as it had been in previous generations) but he has reached a balance and understanding of the natural world around him with only a few nagging exceptions: the weather and geological events, death and the galaxy shining above. These were forces beyond the ability of Grog’s ‘cave man’ aptitude to explain in the terms of his existence. Of these annoyances, none had the daily impact on his very survival as did the weather. It could provide the best of hunting days or turn and hold the entire tribe at its mercy. And when it turned savage, it often brought death in its path. Being unable to define such natural occurrences in the compacted view of the food chain he operated within (and with zero understanding of the science behind it), the only path left for Grog was to assign control of the weather to powerful, and unseen, forces or beings. Hence, the earliest forms of religions were born to man…

Weather also played a crucial role in the transition of religion from an individual belief system to that of an organized construct. The most primitive sects known in our history were founded when one individual claimed to have a special relationship above all others with such natural forces and soon had a following of 'believers'. It may have been a claim to actually control the weather or simply playing the role of explaining to the group why weather events had occurred. Regardless, and aside from the mysteries of death, weather was probably the most influential ingredient to the recipe of our spiritual perception of the world around us. As maintaining a managerial handle on the skies above proved problematic for early shamans, assignment of the weather reigns were slowly transferred over to non-visible Gods in nearly every archaic faith. Of these (and there are hundreds of examples), Zeus has always remained personal my favorite as few Gods played such a direct and active role as he and his angry bolts of lightening.

Even in modern Christianity, it’s not hard to find examples of the direct guidance weather had in that faith’s formation and development. I won’t begin to cite the innumerable stories in the Bible of weather being directly controlled by Yahweh, but rather will briefly touch just on how weather and geological disturbances served as the foundations upon which the Christian version of the afterlife is based. Back from the days of Grog, the activities of daily life were strictly governed by the pending weather on the horizon. Blue skies and white puffy clouds were good stuff; skies clear enough to see all the shining lights in the night sky were even better. Peace in the sky meant a less harsh life on the ground. In essence, there’s your starting point for the ‘fluffy’ contemporary view of Heaven. As for the heated descriptions of Hell, I’ll just take it for granted that everyone reading this is aware that the modern interpretations of that domain heavily lay in the hands of the Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, and the first book in his Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy), namely ‘The Inferno’. Considering the history of Italy and volcanic eruptions (today it’s labeled the ‘Cradle of Volcanology’ by the scientific community), it’s a sociological given that the denizens of that region had not only a great respect for unpredictable geological occurrences, but a deep-rooted cultural apprehension and fear of the burning death it regularly brought. In a nutshell, this is where the visions of flame and lava as eternal punishment in the Christian mythos were first committed to print to endure to this very day almost 800 years later. Though, in all anthropological honesty, I guess we can’t solely blame Dante and his geographical location for this aversion to flame. Even Grog suspected a mystical property to flames since there were only two natural reasons for the occurrence of fire: lightning and volcanic eruption. Fires in the primitive nature were powerful and dangerous mojo that left a lasting impression for millennia of generations.

Fine and dandy, you may say, so that’s how weather played a role in forming our religions, but why is still described as a tool for Godly vindication for society’s sins? Well, to address that issue, let’s bring back up the three main reasons I listed above that were associated with the recent destruction of Hurricane Katrina (homosexuality, promiscuity and abortions). It takes far less than a rocket scientist to see the common denominator in these areas of blame; sexually-related activities that deviate from the more puritanical views on the subject. But before going forward, let’s understand why major religions have such adversarial attitudes towards active intercourse and, more importantly, why that view actually stands in contradiction to the continuing attribution of God controlling the weather.

A key component of the principles of most monotheistic religions has always been the separation, or better said, ‘elevation’, of man from the natural world around him. I have been in debates with Christian friends on many occasions in the past where they would literally turn blue in the face before admitting man was, at his biological core, an ‘animal’. As one of several approaches to delineating man from the animal kingdom (along with a propensity to demean women as sexual miscreants, which I’ll save for another article), the self-control of sexual impulses has long been regarded as the integral cornerstone in setting us aside from the other beasts fornicating openly in nature for all to see. In more ancient and unabashed times, punishment for sexual activity outside the dictates of the religious authorities didn’t need to wait for such ethereal judgments as storms…those in charge of our older faiths often took matters of punishment into their own hands. But as legal systems formed over the course of advancing societies, protections eventually fell in place to protect the common citizen’s non-criminal sexual adventures from the wraith of the zealots. So, the torch for administering ‘moral dues’ for such non-approved sexual behaviors fell to the guardians of the afterlife and to disasters, whether natural or man-made, that were beyond the faith’s ability to physically control.

So, how does this connection of God-controlled weather by religious fanatics stand in contrast to their other views of ‘God in Nature’? Well, that’s easier to illustrate than you might realize. Some of the earliest religions held the natural world as a crucially-important component of their faith. As societies evolved and man became master of the animal kingdom, God’s direct influence over the beasts of our world faded. They became relegated to soulless creatures put here by the Creator for either our consumption or amusement. With the onset of the Industrial Age and man’s rapid ability to raze the lands around him for energy, agriculture and expansion, God slowly filtered out of the environmental picture as well. The woods, soils and waters of our planet became mere resources, again provided by the Almighty solely for our mastery and unbridled use. Hopefully, you can see the obvious pattern emerging here - once we can control it, God no longer does. Hmm, the involvement of our modern Gods in the natural world seems little more than selective at best from that perspective, doesn’t it? We exclude his opinion on cutting down a rain forest, but we pat him on the back for swirling up storm clouds to rid us of fellow sinners. Though it may seem science-fiction to most, there will come a day far in the future when we are able to moderate, if not directly control, weather systems and their impact on our civilizations. And when that point of meteorological mastery arrives, God will finally fall out of the equation in this regard as well.

I also could spend a good amount of discussion on the logical fallacies of a belief system that purports the Creator of the entire universe becomes personally involved in one single planet and its inhabitants. By claiming that Gods still directly control natural aspects of our world, these so-called ‘religious’ persons only show how little they understand the vast immensity of the universe. It’s the philosophical equivalent of a human traveling to the other side of our planet for the sole purpose of moving one grain of sand into (or out of) the path of a traveling ant. But then again, most man-made ‘Higher Beings’ have rarely exhibited intelligence suitable to their designated position of omnipotence. Generally, their behavior is confined within the emotional constraints of our own psyches. As the author Robert A. Heinlein best put it, “Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.”

Anyway, and back to the original focus of this post, the next time our world is hit by the destructive effects of uncontrollable weather and the religious pundits and freaks again come out of the woodwork to tag it as Godly retribution for this or that, keep in mind that they are the inevitable, though extreme, end-products of hundreds of thousands of years of groveling to dark skies. Grog and Pat Robertson could probably sit side by side and nod in agreement at the forces behind the storm clouds above them, even with millennia of years separating their worlds…if only Grog was intelligent enough to speak and voice his shared mentality… Jage


Puppy Dogs and Blue Skies...

Sorry for the title, but that's the warm fuzzy feeling this news has given me...Tom Delay has just been indicted on one count of criminal conspiracy resulting from the Texas grand jury investigation of ethical violations regarding campaign finances!! Me rubs my eyes and reads the story again. Not that this will amount to anything in the long run, but, according to GOP House rules, Delay must now step aside and let someone else take over his role as Majority Leader (though such an action is only 'temporary' as Delay just said). Full story is here...

Actually, the more I ponder this, it doesn't really matter if he's convicted or not in the final analysis (though that would be a grand finale to this scumbag's public life). We all know how long trials of this sort drag on in our court system. I personally doubt there's any possibility that this matter will be resolved before 2-3 months into 2006. That means, when he's up for re-election next year, he'll be campaigning with a conspiracy indictment hanging over his head...hence, the death of a political career. That's right, starting today, the Delay era has pretty much come to its end... Jage

Onward Christian Meth-Head

I am literally laughing my ass off about this one. I just utterly love it when the religious-right designates a new poster-child for their cause and then the curtains are pulled back to reveal the truth. You may not remember this, as our collective societal consciousness only seems to recall events going back a month or two, but in March of this year a young Caucasian woman was taken hostage by, egads, a colored man and the story splashed across every news network for weeks afterwards. Now she's released her book, which may prove to be a tad too real to continue her appeal to the Thumpers backing her. Full story is here... Jage
Ashley Smith, the woman held hostage for hours after the March 11 Fulton County Courthouse shootings, reveals in a book released today that she gave alleged gunman Brian Nichols drugs on the night he held her captive.

Smith, 27, was thrust into a national media spotlight after talking her way out of Nichols' captivity and then calling police. In "Unlikely Angel: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero," Smith shares details of her seven-hour ordeal as a hostage in her Duluth apartment, and for the first time tells of giving Nichols drugs.

Nichols asked her for marijuana, she writes, but she had only a small amount of crystal methamphetamine. She thought offering him the drug might curry favor, but she says she refused to take the drug with him.

"I was not going to die tonight and stand before God, having done a bunch of ice up my nose," she writes. (Jage is again ROTFLMAO!!)

A Big Sociological Duh...

A recent study of democratic societies around the world has determined that the more religious the populace of a country is, the more prone they are to violence and sexual deviance. What!? You mean to tell me that people basing their faith on an institution founded on murder, incest and rape have a greater propensity to exhibit such base behaviors? Who would've thunk it?

What's most surprising about this is that, well, that anyone has to read a study on the topic to realize this simple correlation. It's been a fact throughout our history, even though few want to accept or understand it....not that seeing it in black and white will have any impact on the true believers of our society...truths very rarely do...

For the full story, click here. Highlights of the article are below... Jage

RELIGIOUS belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.

According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems.

“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies."


The Right Approach...

The lyrics from a little ditty by John Cougar Mellencamp about our trying times... Jage

"Another Sunny Day"

We see it on TV...we get calls on the phone.

By the prophets of doom...they won't leave us alone.
The planet is dying and there's no time to spare,
Yet we spend all our days sowing seeds of despair.

We get enough bad news to harden our hearts,
This fear that we feed on is what's keeping us apart.
To say that we're doomed is just an obvious remark,
And it don't make you right, it just keeps you in the dark.

I don't want to live angry,
I don't want to live scared,
I don't need no more prophets crying, "Brother Beware".
Just put some work in my hand,
And give me a dollar to spare...
And don't let me sow those seeds of despair.

Well, this earth is a graveyard...it'll swallow our bones.
It was here long before us...it'll be here when we're gone.
And it's a vain generation that looks for a sign,
Don't you think we could make better use of our time?

Yeah, the air could be cleaner and the water could be too,
But what we do to each other are the worst things that we do.
And we can treasure our freedoms...behind our locked doors,
But God speed the day when we're lonely no more.

I don't want to live angry,
I don't want to live scared,
I don't need no more prophets crying, "Brother Beware".
Just put some work in my hand,
And give me a dollar to spare...
And don't let me sow those seeds of despair...

When Federal Agencies Work Together...


Got this link from a family member in CA. Great collection of tickers showing a plethora of interesting world data... Jage



GreyHair on the D.C. Scene

Unfortunately, lack of extra finances and prior work commitments kept the wife and me from attending the march in D.C. last weekend. If all the struggling and angry citizens of this country had the resources to travel and express their sentiments about the perversion of our country by the neocons in charge, there would have been millions there instead of 100,000. Regardless, it was a monumental event and, as expected, one that was pretty much ignored by the major media networks in America. Guess they believed Karl Rove when he said the anti-war movement was "non-existent". Oh, well, what'd you expect? There was rain and wind elsewhere for the reporters to stand in and described in detail...

Anyway, I tip my hat to the two individuals I personally know who went to the March...namely, fellow Blogger and friend, GreyHair, and my wife's mother, Moma Sue. Not only did they physically stand behind their philosophical convictions, they literally traveled from one end of the country to the other to do so.

And unlike the 'established' liberal bloggers (i.e., the ones who make money at it), GreyHair was literally on-the-scene with photos and commentaries of not only the March itself but of the arrest of Cindy Sheehan and other protesters on Monday. I highly recommend you visit his blog and read all his posts on the march, but some highlights can be found by clicking here, here, here and here. This guy backs his bitches up and continually gains my enduring respect.

I have to admit after following his exploits over the weekend, I've been getting a sour taste in my mind while making my normal rounds of the 'accepted' blogosphere (e.g. DailyKos, Atrios and others)…they might rant, but they weren't there…and their reasons weren't financial, just ineffectual indifference… Jage


Sorry to have went AWOL for a bit...been working hard for the man to, er, pay all the other 'mans' in life. And once again, meeting repeated deadlines is giving me that 'rat in the cage' feeling, so I feel some venting coming on in the days ahead.

Oh, well, I wish I had more time for this blog and about a jillion other personal projects...more to the point, I wish it felt as if I was progressing in life and not just spinning my wheels aimlessly...but, then again, you know what they say about wishes... Jage

When you wish upon a falling star, you dreams can come true.
Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wished for. Unless it's death by meteor.


No Delay in Tackiness

If only people would remember these revelations of the real people behind the masks in the months to come... Jage

Delay: Whole lotta fun going on!

U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's visit to Reliant Park this morning offered him a glimpse of what it's like to be living in shelter.The congressman likened their stay to being at camp and asked, "Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?" Other fun activities Tom Delay should try. *starving, *freezing, *drowning, *crying, *toxic burning, *sexually assualted, *being homeless, * looking for lost family members...

"I've got my heart in my hand...can't you feel it?"


Now With Lyrics

If it had only had audio...a lot in the last few days would have made more sense... Jage

We go wherever we want to,

Do what we like to do.
We don't have time to get restless,
There's always something new.

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around,
But we're too busy singing
To put anybody 'our buddies' down...

Public Exhibitionism

Something about this just seemed really pertinent in reflecting upon these days of late; then again, maybe that's just me... Jage

The emperor marched in the procession under the beautiful canopy, and all who saw him in the street and out of the windows exclaimed: “Indeed, the emperor’s new suit is incomparable! What a long train he has! How well it fits him!” Nobody wished to let others know he saw nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office or too stupid. Never emperor’s clothes were more admired.

“But he has nothing on at all,” said a little child at last. “Good heavens! Listen to the voice of an innocent child,” said the father, and one whispered to the other what the child had said. “But he has nothing on at all,” cried at last the whole people. That made a deep impression upon the emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but he thought to himself, “Now I must bear up to the end.” And the chamberlains walked with still greater dignity, as if they carried the train which did not exist.

From 'The Emperor's New Suit' by Hans Christian Anderson

Another Past Life Revealed

We've heard much of FEMA Director "Brownie" Brown's past career, be it as it may, in the Arabian show horse industry. Why then, haven't we heard anything about DoHS Director Chertoff's previous history? Because the truth was too scary to face... Jage

Reverend Jim didn't fade away...
(youngster footnote: this is a reference to 'Taxi' the TV series - rent it, understand it)

(UPDATE - Extra Proof)

"If you find yourself in a confusing situation, simply laugh knowingly and walk away."- 'Reverend Jim' Ignatowski

"You know the really great thing about television? If something important happens, anywhere in the world, night or day ... you can always change the channel." - 'Reverend Jim' Ignatowski

- Louie De Palma: "Ignatowski! Where have you been all week?
- 'Reverend' Jim: "I don't work weekends."
- Louie De Palma: "You been gone nine days!"
- 'Reverend' Jim: "Yeah ...?"
- Tony Banta: "Jim, weekends are only two days."
- 'Reverend' Jim: "Oh, I thought we'd switched to the metric system."

Iraq or New Orleans?

Disaster imagery...varying locations...

Pour On That Compassion

Wow. It’s a good thing our leaders have decided to be compassionate about this whole situation. The following is from 'The Raw Story', with video from 'Crooks and Liars'. Basically, during VP Cheney's long overdue visit to the disaster area, a victim shouted out some obscenities at the VP while he was giving a speech about rebuilding the area. Granted, it might be considered by some to be rude to interrupt in such a way, but what's enlightening here is how Mr. Cheney, instead of acting as if he empathized with such frustration and grief, turned the situation into a partisan political joke. How petty...how typical... Jage

Cheney told to 'go fuck yourself' in Gulfport, Mississippi

Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to "go fuck yourself" twice on live television, RAW STORY has learned.

During a discussion on hurricane relief efforts, an off camera protester shouts, "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go fuck yourself."

The camera remains on Cheney while we hear scuffling in the background. Cheney continues speaking.

Video Here

"If I close my eyes, he'll go away, he'll go away...Grrr..."

Jon Stewart Cuts To It

On last night’s ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’:

Jon Stewart - “What is the childish phrase this administration demeans accountability as?”

(Scenes of Scott McClellan, George Bush Jr., George Bush Sr. and Michael Brown all referring to the ‘Blame Game’)

Jon Stewart - “Just as a quick observation…when people don’t want to play the ‘blame game’; they’re to blame.”

Click Here for Video Excerpt from Show


Timeline of a Response

This timeline of governmental response (both local and federal) to Hurricane Katrina is floating all over the Web and it’s an important enough of a read that I’ll jump on the bandwagon and post a link to it as well. It begins on Friday, August 26th, and continues through Saturday, September 3rd. Granted, it could be said to be ‘left-leaning’ in its presentation…except for the fact that every event listed is verifiably true. Sad… Jage

Click Here For Timeline

At Least Someone In The Administration Cares

There is absolutely no commentary needed from me regarding this story. It, unfortunately, speaks volumes all on its own. Just read…(thanks to AmericaBlog for helping spread the word)... Jage

BREAKING: Cheney Was Shopping For A Mansion While Disaster Struck
by Michael in New York - 9/07/2005 12:33:00 PM

Apparently, Condi Rice wasn't the only one who decided that the worst natural disaster in our country's history was the perfect time to go shopping. Rice, of course, was spotted on Fifth Avenue paying reportedly thousands of dollars on a pair of Ferragamo shoes. Cheney stayed on vacation while Hurricane Katrina struck. He stayed on vacation on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and he was finally spotted back in Washington on Saturday. This was such a gross dereliction of duty that even liberal bloggers struggled for a reasonable explanation. Surely Cheney was deathly ill and simply incapable of doing what any decent human being would do during such a terrible disaster? Nope. Maureen Dowd says Cheney was house-hunting:

The vice president has at long last lumbered back from a Wyoming vacation, and, reportedly, from shopping for a $2.9 million waterfront estate in St. Michael's, a retreat in the Chesapeake Bay where Rummy has a weekend home, where "Wedding Crashers" was filmed and where rich lobbyists hunt.


"F' Off, I've been busy...Grrr..."


Pounding Square Beliefs Into Round Lives

Even after the non-ending bashing in the media, these guys just still can’t truly wrap their heads around the concept of being poor. At least, in his obligatory clarification, he was able to turn it into a finger-pointing jab back at the local government. I honestly know children who have a better grasp of propriety… Jage

Santorum: Penalize Those Who Don't Evacuate

By SEAN D. HAMILL, Associated Press Writer

PITTSBURGH - Sen. Rick Santorum (news, bio, voting record) said in a weekend interview that people who don't heed future evacuation warnings may need to be penalized, but said Tuesday he did not mean people who lack cars or other resources.

In a weekend interview with WTAE-TV about the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Santorum said: "You have people who don't heed those warnings and then put people at risk as a result of not heeding those warnings. There may be a need to look at tougher penalties on those who decide to ride it out and understand that there are consequences to not leaving."

On Tuesday night on WTAE, Santorum clarified his comments.

"Obviously most of the people here in this case, an overwhelming majority of people just literally couldn't have gotten out on their own," he said. "Many didn't have cars ... and that really was a failure on the part of local officials in not making transportation available to get people out."

"Huh? Whaddaya mean I said something wrong?"

Olbermann Doesn’t Obfuscate

Links to this video are already popping up everywhere but I wanted to be sure to add yet one more. What else can one say? Even if there were something to add, it would be hard to match this degree of eloquence. Thanks to AmericaBlog for providing the video link… Jage

"OMG - that is one PISSED OFF Keith Olbermann"
by John in DC - 9/05/2005 09:18:00 PM

Oh, I so wish I'd written what he just said on the air. That man needs to do a lot more commentary.

Watch it here.

You can read the text of what he said here


Still, The Red Tape (Update)

I wanted to drop in a follow-up to my post about MED-1, the state-of-the-art 113 bed mobile hospital developed by the DoHS, being stranded in bureaucratic limbo for the past few days…

On Monday it was finally authorized to start fulfilling its designated purpose of providing medical care to disaster victims. The units were set up in the parking lot of an abandoned K-Mart in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, treating a puppy as its first patient. It didn’t take long for other injured victims to find the help, though, as the doctors staffing the mobile hospital treated over 100 people in the first 16 hours (story here). I still can’t help but wonder how many others it might have helped (or saved) had it not spent three days waiting on clearance for starting operations from the very department that funded its creation… Jage

A 3-year old hurricane victim receives treatment
from a member of the MED-1 mobile hospital team.

Don't Worry...Christ Is Coming

Thanks to ‘The WB42 5:30 Report With Doug Krile’ Blog for catching this story.

Utterly amazing that the church members stayed in the pews after this hearing this nonsense. Or, more frighteningly, is this yet another telling ‘piece’ of the puzzle in why our current administration failed to respond to the Katrina aftermath as miserably as they did? It's not totally inconceivable that when a person (or a group of people) believes in approaching Apocalypses with too much fervor, there’s always a chance that they subconsciously help bring on such conditions in and by their actions or inactions to foreign and domestic events. Regardless, this is disturbing in many, many ways. (though I wish we had known days back that we were waiting on spiritual intervention in the rescue and relief efforts, for I wouldn't have raised nearly the ruckus I have)... Jage

Condoleezza Rice took a break today (Sunday) from her round of Broadway shows and a shoe-buying spree that would do Imelda Marcos proud. Why? To tell the hurricane victims dying hourly in their homes that their prolonged suffering is God's will, not the government's fault, and to lecture them on the virtue of patience:

Asked to say a few words from the pulpit, Rice, a preacher's daughter, said: "The Lord Jesus Christ is going to come on time." She added: "If we just wait."

Earlier at the same church service "Rice nodded in agreement as the Rev. Malone Smith Jr. advised the congregation, "Wait for the Lord." Rev. Smith and Secretary Rice were playing on the words of a beloved gospel hymn that says, "He may not be there when you want him but he's right on time."

"BACK OFF! I'm praying for your safety..."

A Finger in the Dike?

There have been many stories today on the successful ‘plugging’ of the largest breech in the Canal Street levee. While I commend the effort in achieving this level of shoring, I personally can’t see the mound of sandbags shown today as actually holding in the weight of the lake once water is pumped from the flooded areas of the city. I saw a Corps of Engineers spokesman asked that very same concern today on MSNBC and he responded by saying that, “We have to start somewhere.” All in all, the interview was not very confidence-instilling. Naturally, I’m sure there will be a tremendous energy applied to the structural integrity of the repairs in the levee before they are depended upon to hold back the full force of Lake Toxitrain. I do, however, worry that there may be a propensity to promote good news a bit early in an attempt to bolster the spirits of those devastated by the disaster. The last thing anyone in the area needs right now is a premature “Mission Accomplished”… Jage

A Barrel-Full of Compassion

Yeah, I know, the ‘stragglers’, as they’re called, would be better off by leaving such unsanitary conditions, but this is going just a tad far. Then again, with how the situation has gone so far, it’s not too surprising. It might take a few days, but I forecast calls to “shoot the looters stragglers on sight” from the Ann Coulters of the world in the near future… Jage

By DOUG SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer Mon Sep 5, 7:47 PM ET

In another effort of "encouragement," a Louisiana State Police SWAT team, armed with rifles, confronted two brothers at their home in the Uptown section of New Orleans, leaving one sobbing.

"I thought they were going to shoot me," said 23-year-old Leonard Thomas, weeping on his front porch. "That dude came and stuck the gun dead at my head."

One officer, who did not give his name, said his team tried to make sure that the two men understood that food and water is becoming scarce and that disease could begin spreading.


A Good Honest Summary

From Crooks and Liars...Bob Schieffer's not happy, you shouldn't be either... Jage

A picture named Bob-Sheiffer-Katrina.jpg

Bob wrapped up Face the Nation today with this:

SCHIEFFER: "Finally, a personal thought. We have come through what may have been one of the worst weeks in America's history, a week in which government at every level failed the people it was created to serve. There is no purpose for government except to improve the lives of its citizens. Yet as scenes of horror that seemed to be coming from some Third World country flashed before us, official Washington was like a dog watching television. It saw the lights and images, but did not seem to comprehend their meaning or see any link to reality."

"As the floodwaters rose, local officials in New Orleans ordered the city evacuated. They might as well have told their citizens to fly to the moon. How do you evacuate when you don't have a car? No hint of intelligent design in any of this. This was just survival of the richest."

Video - (WMP Video Link)

Still, the Red Tape is Costing Lives

Unbelievable. Even if one were to wipe out of their mind the botched and bungled rescue and aid efforts of the past few days, there is absolutely no excuse for this particular situation to be allowed at this stage in the game.

In summary, this is the tale of MED-1: an extremely well-equipped and expensive mobile hospital paid for by the Department of Homeland Security (DoHS) with a 113 bed capacity and designed for exactly this sort of emergency. After the disaster, the doctors and staff manned the mobile hospital convey and drove 30 hours from their base in North Carolina to New Orleans, where they were stopped by federal officials who would not allow them to enter the city and fulfill their sole purpose of supplying medical aid. Why? Because they couldn’t get clearance from FEMA or the DoHS. (Story here)

After being stranded for several days on a gravel lot 70 miles north of New Orleans and becoming frustrated with the continuing bureaucratic tangles preventing them from doing their job, they left the area, en route to Mississippi where they could finally be of some good. Guess what, that’s where they sit now, tied up from helping due to, yep, red tape. Seems the incredible new emergency aid machine from the DoHS can’t get approval from, once again, the DoHS to aid the sick and dying. UnbelievableJage

Dr. Jeffrey Guy, a trauma surgeon at Vanderbilt University who has been in contact with the mobile hospital doctors, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview, "There are entire hospitals that are contacting me, saying, 'We need to take on patients,'" but they can't get through the bureaucracy.

"The crime of this story is, you've got millions of dollars in assets and it's not deployed," he said. "We mount a better response in a Third World country."


And On The 6th Day...Food and Water (Finally)

Let's just hope they don't rest on the 7th day, as all is far from well and good... Jage


Living in a Fantasy Realm

Umm, someone in charge of PR for the adminstration really needs to re-consider using Michael Chertoff (Head of the Department of Homeland Security) to give these sort of speeches. This is what he said Thursday morning, yes, Thursday, at a press conference. Glad he thinks they've done such a good job... Jage

"I think the genius of the people who are working here (DHS), the genius of the people of FEMA, the people in the National Guard, the people in the Coast Guard is, they have been marvelously adaptable...And so I think it is a source of tremendous pride to me to work with people who have pulled off this really exceptional response." (Jage - Notice of the four agencies he named, only the DHS and FEMA are in the 'genius' category. Maybe he means as in the 'idiot savant' vein of genius?)

"Hello, my name is Michael and I'm a recovering hobo..."

Don't You Dare Try To Help Us (Update)

Though Condi Rice just said in her live news briefing that she "was grateful" for the offers of aid from other countries in the growing tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, when it comes down to it, we're still telling them, "Thanks, but no thanks". Relationships, whether interpersonal or of the nation-state variety, rarely strengthen when one party continually shuns an extended hand from the other... Jage

US refuses Jamaica's offer to help with disaster
by John in DC - 9/01/2005 03:40:00 PM


Bush has also refused a specific offer of help from Canada, with specific equipment we apparently need. Because Condi has matters under control while she's currently on vacation in NYC buying $3000 Prada shoes on Fifth Avenue today (true story, see below)

WITH each passing hour, news of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina grows more horrific, but the US embassy in Kingston said the world's most powerful nation was not now accepting help from outside, even as the offers mount....

The US acknowledges the crisis as its "worst natural disaster" in its history.

The United Nations went further to characterise it as one of the worst disasters internationally, outstripping even the damage caused by the December 26 Asian tsunami which killed 180,000.

While the destruction from the tsunami was estimated at about US$10 billion (euro8.2 billion), insurance experts estimate that Katrina will result in up to US$25 billion (euro20.5 billion) in insured losses....

was among the nations offering what help they could. But the Kingston embassy, while stating its appreciation for the support, politely declined the offers, saying in a statement: "The United States Government is not yet requesting international assistance at this time."

A Picture Says A Thousand Nightmares

Wow. How many of us can really comprehend our lives being reduced to this sort of daily fear in our own country. And the fear of terroism doesn't compare...these are Americans under constant fear of being attacked by other Americans. I thought Apocalyptic scenes like this were only supposed to be at the movies...you know, make-believe stuff that we could sleep tight at night knowing would never really happen... Jage

Give It To 'Em, Jack!

I had given up watching all cable news television stations a few months back as they continually obsessed over the missing white woman of the week or the latest celebrity’s tribulations, but like most other Americans, I’ve had the channels back on this week watching the disaster caused by Katrina.

And believe it or not, it looks like journalists have finally got a fire under their feet again. It might be late in the coming, but the floodgates to real reporting seem like they're opening once again. Watch the Jack Cafferty clip below…if you aren’t feeling the same way, then I don’t know what to say to you… Jage


Video-QT (Fastest)


What The Hell Is Going On?

Really, what the HELL IS GOING ON? I’m stunned, amazed and hopping mad. Hopefully, everyone else is also paying attention to the complete and utter failure of the billion-dollar industries named FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in initiating rescue and aid to the victims along our Southern coastline. Then again, how could you miss it?

But let’s cut to the bone here, does anyone actually think if this disaster took place in another town with a higher socio-economic population that the last few days would have unfolded in the same way? From the President down to those in ‘charge’ of the above named agencies, we have heard several times this week how they have no comprehension of what poverty truly means.

This morning, Michael Jerkoff, excuse me, Chertoff (Head of DHS) said on NBC's Today Show that, "The critical thing was to get people out of there before the disaster. Some people chose not to obey that order. That was a mistake on their part." Wow…what a dickhead. People like him have insulated their lives so much from the reality of what poverty really means that they are just at a loss to even sound caring.

I saw a report today showing that there were well over 100,000 residences in New Orleans that didn’t own cars. And even if they did, statistically speaking those that grow up in impoverished homes generally don’t move more than 20 miles away from their core families. So, a majority of these victims had no outside families to serve as a safe escape…they’re in the thick of it with them as well. And even if they had someplace to go, when you live paycheck-to-paycheck you frankly just don't have the spare cash to uproot like that. You're lucky just to pay the bills and put food on the table. Traveling to someplace else is more of a daydream than a luxury. But these are concepts upper-echelon individuals like Chertoff can’t seem to wrap his head around.

Before I leave the subject of Mr. Chertoff, I’ve must say if someone put a ratty jacket on him, along with a stick over his shoulder holding a bandana of bundled goods, he’d look like a fucking hobo from the ‘50s. Really, it’s embarrassing to see someone in charge of an agency that eats as many tax dollars as it does look like that in front of the cameras. I understand that as the head of the DHS he has a natural aversion to exacto-blades, razors and other pointy-things, but this is the 21st Century; he can use an electric device for shaving now. Chertoff might not be able to act respectable, but he can at least look the part…

All that now said, I’ll just go ahead and verbalize it as I don’t see many others stepping up to the plate…our government is dragging its ass here simply because the majority of those in need are African-American and poor. That’s also why we haven’t helped the millions of victims of violent African dictatorships over the past few decades (beside the fact that there are few resources for us to plunder in African nations). I’m Caucasian, but I’m not stupid. If this had happened anywhere that the majority of victims were Caucasian, particularly if they were of the middle-income to wealthy brackets, the full-blown rescue efforts and aid would already be in place. If you don’t want to believe that, then you need to study our country’s history a bit more carefully…it’s a process that's been repeated over and over again throughout the centuries.

I guess the only good thing that will come out of this (and that’s a difficult thing to see at this stage) is that members of our society, regardless of their political affinity, will realize that we have an administration in place that’s great at serving their own needs, whether domestically or foreign, but not too swift on taking care of those who elected them when they are in need. And never before in my forty years of being a citizen have I ever seen more people in this dire of need.

Here’s a good link to get a gauge on how people from both sides of the political fence are starting to see the light, now that this tragedy is lifting the veil of bullshit from their eyes. You should read it and get mad if you’re not already.

Also, my wife and I don’t have much money to spare, but this weekend we’re buying a stack of supplies and donating them to the Clear Channel aid effort going on in our city. So what if we have to tighten our belts until our next paycheck? At this point, too many lives are in the balance for the rest of the nation to watch this horror in total comfort. If you haven’t yet donated water/food, money, blood or whatever, do so. Even just a little will help a lot. And go through a local non-governmental organization...at this point, the private sector’s efforts have got to be better than the federal agencies that are supposed to be doing this… Jage

Don't You Dare Try to Help Us...

I give up…there’s just too much important news occurring to avoid making posts on the disaster in New Orleans… (thanks to Greyhair for bringing this story to my attention)

Wow. Talk about paranoia to the point of insanity. Canada’s Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue team, one of that country’s most accomplished emergency response and aid agencies, has rescue planes loaded with water and medical supplies and ready to assist victims in the New Orleans area. But guess what, the planes are still grounded in Canada because our infernal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) won’t give them clearance to enter our country. Guess they’re afraid of those Canuck terrorists that have been waiting in the wings for an opportunity like this one. Jesus Christ, FEMA and the DHS are showing more with each passing hour how unable they are to respond to this situation, even though providing such emergency aid is paramount to their inceptions as federal agencies, so why is it that they won’t allow readied assistance to step in and help the suffering? People may be dropping likes flies, gangs of criminals might be taking over the flooded parts of the Big Easy, but at least our Northern border is still secure. How pathetically sad… Jage

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