
Puppy Dogs and Blue Skies...

Sorry for the title, but that's the warm fuzzy feeling this news has given me...Tom Delay has just been indicted on one count of criminal conspiracy resulting from the Texas grand jury investigation of ethical violations regarding campaign finances!! Me rubs my eyes and reads the story again. Not that this will amount to anything in the long run, but, according to GOP House rules, Delay must now step aside and let someone else take over his role as Majority Leader (though such an action is only 'temporary' as Delay just said). Full story is here...

Actually, the more I ponder this, it doesn't really matter if he's convicted or not in the final analysis (though that would be a grand finale to this scumbag's public life). We all know how long trials of this sort drag on in our court system. I personally doubt there's any possibility that this matter will be resolved before 2-3 months into 2006. That means, when he's up for re-election next year, he'll be campaigning with a conspiracy indictment hanging over his head...hence, the death of a political career. That's right, starting today, the Delay era has pretty much come to its end... Jage


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