

Sorry to have went AWOL for a bit...been working hard for the man to, er, pay all the other 'mans' in life. And once again, meeting repeated deadlines is giving me that 'rat in the cage' feeling, so I feel some venting coming on in the days ahead.

Oh, well, I wish I had more time for this blog and about a jillion other personal projects...more to the point, I wish it felt as if I was progressing in life and not just spinning my wheels aimlessly...but, then again, you know what they say about wishes... Jage

When you wish upon a falling star, you dreams can come true.
Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wished for. Unless it's death by meteor.


Blogger greyhair said...

Welcome Back!

You've been missed!

7:19 AM  

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