
Another Past Life Revealed

We've heard much of FEMA Director "Brownie" Brown's past career, be it as it may, in the Arabian show horse industry. Why then, haven't we heard anything about DoHS Director Chertoff's previous history? Because the truth was too scary to face... Jage

Reverend Jim didn't fade away...
(youngster footnote: this is a reference to 'Taxi' the TV series - rent it, understand it)

(UPDATE - Extra Proof)

"If you find yourself in a confusing situation, simply laugh knowingly and walk away."- 'Reverend Jim' Ignatowski

"You know the really great thing about television? If something important happens, anywhere in the world, night or day ... you can always change the channel." - 'Reverend Jim' Ignatowski

- Louie De Palma: "Ignatowski! Where have you been all week?
- 'Reverend' Jim: "I don't work weekends."
- Louie De Palma: "You been gone nine days!"
- 'Reverend' Jim: "Yeah ...?"
- Tony Banta: "Jim, weekends are only two days."
- 'Reverend' Jim: "Oh, I thought we'd switched to the metric system."


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