
Pour On That Compassion

Wow. It’s a good thing our leaders have decided to be compassionate about this whole situation. The following is from 'The Raw Story', with video from 'Crooks and Liars'. Basically, during VP Cheney's long overdue visit to the disaster area, a victim shouted out some obscenities at the VP while he was giving a speech about rebuilding the area. Granted, it might be considered by some to be rude to interrupt in such a way, but what's enlightening here is how Mr. Cheney, instead of acting as if he empathized with such frustration and grief, turned the situation into a partisan political joke. How petty...how typical... Jage

Cheney told to 'go fuck yourself' in Gulfport, Mississippi

Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to "go fuck yourself" twice on live television, RAW STORY has learned.

During a discussion on hurricane relief efforts, an off camera protester shouts, "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go fuck yourself."

The camera remains on Cheney while we hear scuffling in the background. Cheney continues speaking.

Video Here

"If I close my eyes, he'll go away, he'll go away...Grrr..."


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