
Who\What God Hates This Week

Interesting...this is the second week in a row the Big Man has had it in for a food product. The two He's picked thus far, first bacon and now shrimp, are, granted, pretty bad medicine for maintaining a heavenly physique. Perhaps he's on a diet and this is a form of negative association to remind him not to indulge too much. Sort of a deity-based version of the oinking pig people put in the refrigerator; he starts to grab an extra handful of popcorn-shrimp and then, 'kazaam', he remembers he damned it just a few days ago (at least in 'mortal time', that is). I have no problem in agreeing with G on this decree, though. My own personal condemnation of the juicy little buggers stems from a long since past shrimp-eating contest and over 60 jumbo shrimp, grilled with a thick and buttery herb sauce, repeatedly defying the laws of gravity after being consumed. Fortunately, I can now say, when asked, that I can't eat them for religious reasons. But just as with the bacon\pig exception last week, my grudge is only with the cooked crustacean. The live ones can swarm all over the ocean's floor as long as they stay off my plate... Jage


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