
More Link Chaos

Since the list of links on the blog's sidebar has been continually expanding, I decide to do a little OCD-required re-organization. They are now broken down into a few categories reflective of the nature of the sites. Below is a list of the newest entries to the list... Jage

ARMedia: Bitchy Critic - The local watchdog of our state's floundering news Medias. Even if you don't live in these neck of the woods, I'm sure you'll find her posts nonetheless pithy and poetic.

Gang War: Bangin' in Little Rock - News stories and insights on non-traditional youth groups from the foremost expert in this region.

Daily KOS - Good stories and commentary on the insanity of modern American politics.

Where in the World is Jesus - I go here every time I need a good chuckle (it is tongue-in-cheek for those who can't discern it). Reminds me of the good old days of the 'JesusCams' set up in the Middle-East as the year 2000 rolled around, hoping to capture 'the moment' on webcam. Too bad the fundamentalists can't do proper math or they could have seen it happen the next year when the new millennium really started...

Bartholomew's Notes on Religion - Good source of religious-oriented news events from around the world.

Corey & Jay's 'Missing Links' - I'm not overly fond of these radio personalities (it's NPR for me when I want talk-radio), but this collection of odd, strange and eclectic links from their web site is bound to have you rolling on the floor.

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey - What can I say? A spiritual guru if there ever was one...


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