
Who's Lootin' Who?

I’m taking a pause on putting up many new posts as I feel my rants take somewhat of a back seat to the disaster in our southern states. I won’t attempt to make Hurricane Katrina-related posts, either, since there’s already a few hundred thousand bloggers doing so. Though on a brief personal note, I will say that I’m a tad stunned by the talk of New Orleans being completely ‘lost’. I’ve spent a lot of time in southern Louisiana, especially in the New Orleans area, and it’s hard to conceive of the splendor of that city becoming a modern-day Atlantis.

Regardless, below is a tidbit from a blog that everyone should see. I had personally noticed last night that there was a bit of disparity on how the looting situation was being reported. At least these photos show a few Caucasians caught in the act unlike the cable news stations… Jage

Do white people 'find' and black people 'loot’?

Dustin 3000 notes that 3 photos of Louisiana residents with groceries are labeled differently and asks whether wire service caption writers believe that "black people 'loot' [while] white people 'find.'"

(The African-American woman is 'looting', the Caucasians are 'finding')

(The Caucasian woman 'looks through her shopping bag')


Blogger greyhair said...

Check out Billmon's post on the end of N.O.


His take, not without merit, is that NO has been living on borrowed time due to the rising waters around it (accumulating silt) and the sinking city (due to a lack of accumulating silt).

N.O. is a bit of an environmental disaster area...a place where man triumphs over nature at it's best.....or not!

1:47 PM  

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