
With Supporters Like These...

From The National Review:

Across the street from “Camp Casey” is “Camp Qualls” a pro-Bush campsite set up by supporters of American efforts in Iraq. Granted, the site is much smaller than the anti-Bush crowd, but it’s growing each day. And those in attendance might surprise you.

A Palestinian man traveled to and back from Dallas today to supply “Camp Qualls” with a power generator. He says that despite the conventional wisdom, most Palestinians want American forces in Iraq. Their presence is providing the foundation for long term security in the region even if the short term results are less than compelling to some. (And disregard that clock on the side of the generator…it’s supposed to count down like that)

Two members from the administration stopped by while I was there and offered to bring food and drinks to those in attendance. (wow, wasn’t that sweet of them? I’m sure they walked across the road and made the same offer to Camp Casey participants, right? Right?)

Jeez, if this is the best they can do as a response, it would probably be a good idea for the neocons not to show how pathetic their effort is going. Then again, it tells a whole other story about what's really going on with the tide-turning of public sentiment against the war in Iraq.

What I want to know is, is anybody really there? Apparently, there’s around eight (snicker, snicker) pro-Stumpy supporters manning the booths. That is, when the cameras aren’t around to steal their souls… Jage


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