
Update to 'Thattaboy, Tom Shakespeare'

Hmm, I actually received a response from the Fashion Monitor Toronto regarding the removal of the article about Tom Cruise. They said that they removed the article once they could no longer 'verify the integrity' of the interview. Another hmmm. I responded to them asking if it was normal policy for their website to post articles first and then try to verify their integrity. If I get an answer to that, I'll put it here in turn. Me thinks that after the story was online for 2-3 days, someone's publicist raised some holy cane and got it yanked. Then again, that's just this mild-mannered reporter's hunch. I've read enough 'verified' interviews with Mr. Cruise in which he said hauntingly similar statements to not find this interview too off base (go to www.tomcruiseisnuts.com for more info). Either way, I updated this so you could make your own decision as to the veracity of the story... Jage


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