
Narrowing My Niche and More Updated Links

After giving the matter a bit of thought, I've decided to quit trying to keep up with the enormity of political news stories, as so many bloggers are already doing such a good job at such, and refine my future efforts to matters pertaining to the current governmental and religious assault on secularism, science and rational thought. I consider this re-emerging movement of theocratic pressures to be one of the greatest threats to our national construct and to the potential progress of our populace. I have several good sources for discovering such stories to relay, but if you ever run across an article I've missed, please feel free to e-mail me at 'thejage@gmail.com'.

In relation to this paradigm shift in my proceeding posts, I've added another round of really good links to my sidebar that I wanted to briefly mention... Jage

The Wall of Separation - The blog site for the organization 'Americans United for Separation of Church and State'. Good news stories and more...

Secular Coalition for America - Lots of related links, stories and other attempts at keeping the minds of Americans rational.

American Humanist Association - Good focal site for national and local programs as well as news and publications.

M*A*A*F - The Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers. Did you know there are over 100,000 soldiers currently in service with no religious affiliation? These are the men and women who are fighting so Americans can really believe the way they want...

Adult Christianity - Hilarious site that keeps up with the sexual misconduct of men of the cloth along with a host of other fanatical news. Might offend some, but there's much mirth here...

Dissent Magazine - Some very thought-provoking articles dating back years can be found in their online archive. 'Independent thought since 1954' is their motto and it kinda says it all...

Jesus' General - Gotta have a link to Gen. JC Christian, Patriot, if I'm going to focus on fanatical fundamentalism!

World O'Crap - Excellent and funny all-around blog site covering politics, religion, entertainment and all things anti-Ann Coulter.


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