
Halloween Links from a Heathen

Here's a round of some unique halloween/horror/gothy links to help set an early mood for the pending Pagan holiday. Have fun!...Muaahahahaha... Jage

Haunted Memories - Where the pictures of sweet little Thomas above originated.

The Story of Deacon Brodie - Some background data on the dichotomous deeds of the real source for the 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' story. Always intrigued me...

Ultimate Jack the Ripper Site - The end-all site for all things Jack the Ripper. They have scans of everything from the original police reports and sketches of the murder scenes to the most extensive collection of photographs of the victims. Might sound morbid, but it's still the pinnacle of serial-killer murder mysteries of the last two centuries. If you just don't understand how truly awful this guy was, click on the photo at the bottom of this post for a detailed picture of his last, and absolutely worst, victim - Mary Kelly. Be warned though, it's very gruesome...

Custom Creature Taxidermy - She may call it art, I call it disturbing. At least they use road kills and similarly deceased carcasses for their work

Bloody Disgusting - Up-to-date horror movie/TV entertainment news and more macabre than you can shake a stick at...


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